ACT Genomics (Hong Kong) Limited Partners with Cancerinformation to Promote Precision Medicine for Cancer Patients
ACT Genomics (Hong Kong) Limited (“ACTG”) and Cancerinformation have officiallysigned a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cancer patients'understanding of cancer and precision medicine and to emphasize the importanceof related testing. This collaboration is dedicated to advancing patienteducation and increasing the accessibility of precision medicine.
Sep 11th,2024 Hong Kong –ACT Genomics (Hong Kong) Limited (“ACTG”) and Cancerinformation have officiallysigned a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cancer patients'understanding of cancer and precision medicine and to emphasize the importanceof related testing. This collaboration is dedicated to advancing patienteducation and increasing the accessibility of precision medicine.
Walt Ling, CEO of ACTG Group stated,"ACTG is committed to providing fast, reliable, and high-quality precisionmedical testing for patients. Our collaboration with Cancerinformation will notonly enhance cancer patients' awareness of precision medicine but also promotethe accessibility and widespread use of genetic testing. We place a strongemphasis on patient education, and through this collaboration, we will launch aseries of outreach activities and resources to help patients better understandtheir treatment options and how to utilize the latest medical technology toimprove their outcomes. We believe that only through the transfer of knowledgecan we truly empower patients, enabling them to make the most beneficialdecisions for their health."
Natalie Fong, Chairperson of the CancerinformationCharity Foundation, added, "We are very pleased to partner with ACTGenomics (Hong Kong) Limited. This collaboration is not only about providingtechnical support for precision medicine but, more importantly, about educatingand informing patients and their families about the latest developments andoptions in cancer treatment. Through these educational activities, we hope tooffer patients more choices, broader perspectives, and essential support. Ourgoal is to help patients better understand their conditions and treatmentoptions, providing them with the necessary support to move further along theirjourney against cancer."
This partnership is expected tosignificantly enhance the understanding of the importance of precision medicineand related testing among cancer patients and the general public, promoting thedissemination of knowledge about cancer treatment options. Through the special promotionprogram offered by ACTG, the barrier to accessing precision medicine will besubstantially lowered, encouraging more patients to undergo early geneticscreening and diagnosis, thereby achieving early treatment and improvingsurvival rates and quality of life. Moreover, this collaboration will helpdoctors provide more accurate and personalized treatment plans for patients,enhancing treatment outcomes. Through shared education and resources, bothparties will further empower patients to take an active role in their treatmentdecision-making process, giving them more confidence in facing the cancertreatment journey.
ACTG and Cancerinformation will worktogether to bring more hope and support to cancer patients and their families.This partnership is not just an agreement between two organizations; it is acommitment to all cancer patients and their families, aiming to help themovercome cancer and embrace a brighter future through advanced medicaltechnology and educational activities.