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ACTHRD™ 帕癌檢®+ 癌症基因檢測提高使用PARP抑制劑機會。

Precision Medicine to Plan Better Treatment

Precision Medicine to Plan Better Treatment

Every cancer is associated with a unique combination of genomic changes. Furthermore, different cells within a tumor may harbor different genomic abnormalities. Comprehensive genomic profiling can identify such changes in cell signaling pathways by detecting prognostic and predictive biomarkers. This information can then be used to facilitate treatment decisions. This process is known as precision medicine.

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Why ACT Genomics?

Humane Process

少量檢體即可一次檢測24個基因及HRD Status,避免例行單基因檢測多次切片風險及時間成本。

Ideal Treatment

可確認您的病情是否適合口服PARP抑制劑 。

Smart Budgeting


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您可以用 PARP 抑制劑擊敗癌症嗎?

PARP抑制劑透過攻擊腫瘤的脆弱處-DNA修復機制,更容易的克服治療瓶頸、減少痛苦。當腫瘤的DNA修復機制產生基因缺陷如BRCA或HRR (Homologous recombination repair genes)同源重組修復基因突變,形成HRD (Homologous recombination deficiency)特徵時,就是PARP抑制劑上場攻擊腫瘤的時候了。PARP抑制劑不僅效果更強且口服方便,讓之前須經歷多次手術及化療的卵巢癌及三陰性乳癌患者,有了翻轉劣勢擊倒癌症的機會。


  • 依治療準則或單基因檢測結果只有化療、手術可選
  • 病情嚴重複雜,發生多處轉移,難以判斷合適藥物
  • 治療成效不佳,儘管使用標靶藥物,仍不斷復發
  • 想要使用免疫治療、標靶新藥,不知道有沒有效

比一般 BRCA 檢測更完整的診斷型解決方案

透過導入次世代科技(Next Generation Sequencing, NGS)的基因檢測,「ACTHRD™ 帕癌檢®+ 癌症基因檢測 」徹底解碼與DNA修復相關的24個腫瘤基因資訊 (包含重要的BRCA 1/2),並提供HRD Status資訊,多維度的從各種臨床研究比對出藥物選擇,不受限於單一的臨床治療準則建議;從基因層面掌握腫瘤的生長機制,可探討更多治療策略,提升成功率。


誰適用 ACTHRD™ 帕癌檢®+ 癌症基因檢測?

  • 卵巢癌
  • 乳癌
  • 前列腺癌
  • 其他實體腫瘤


No items found.

Disclaimers / Footnotes

  1. 檢測時間自行動基因實驗室確認檢體通過品質測試後起算。
  2. Venkitaraman AR. (2009) Annu Rev Pathol.4:461-487.
  3. Lord CJ. et al. (2017) Science. 355(6330):1152-1158.
  4. O'Malley DM. et al. (2018) Mol Cancer Ther. 17(1 Suppl): Abstract no. LB-A12.
  5. da Cunha Colombo Bonadio RR. et al. (2018)Clinics(Sao Paulo). Aug 20;73(suppl 1):e450s.

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Explore the immense possibilities and promising future of precision medicine. Together, let us unlock the power of genomic testing and personalize cancer care for the most effective treatment.

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