
Cancer Type


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7~10 個工作天

Turnaround Time ¹

ACTLiquid™ Pro 液癌檢™ 是一種基於次世代定序 (NGS) 的液態切片分析適用於全實體腫瘤癌別 (Advanced Solid Tumor) 運用循環腫瘤 DNA (Circulating Tumor DNA, ctDNA) 偵測 523 個腫瘤基因變異與23個融合基因。

Precision Medicine to Plan Better Treatment

Precision Medicine to Plan Better Treatment

Every cancer is associated with a unique combination of genomic changes. Furthermore, different cells within a tumor may harbor different genomic abnormalities. Comprehensive genomic profiling can identify such changes in cell signaling pathways by detecting prognostic and predictive biomarkers. This information can then be used to facilitate treatment decisions. This process is known as precision medicine.

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Why ACT Genomics?

Humane Process

避免多次活檢和單基因測試相關的時間成本,因為只需簡單抽血才能同時檢測 523 個基因。

Ideal Treatment


Smart Budgeting


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透過導入次世代基因定序技術(Next Generation Sequencing, NGS)的基因檢測,ACTLiquid™ PRO 液癌檢TM癌症基因檢測,徹底解碼高達523個腫瘤基因資訊,全面比對各種臨床研究與適用之藥物選擇,不受限於單一的臨床治療準則建議;從基因層面掌握腫瘤的生長機制,可探討更多治療策略,提升成功率。

肺癌、攝護腺癌、大腸直腸癌、膽管癌、胰臟癌等癌症皆可做檢測,如曾做過單基因檢測仍治療效果不佳,可藉此找出其他基因變異,對症下藥;若癌症已復發或轉移,也可針對「基因抗藥機制」,找到有效藥物,抑或是病況危急,需要即時得知檢測報告結果,ACTLiquid™ PRO 液癌檢TM癌症基因檢測皆是很好的選擇。


  • 病人腫瘤基因突變資訊 (包含 BRCA1/2)
  • FDA 核准之化療、荷爾蒙、標靶、PARP 抑制劑及免疫藥物用藥建議及臨床試驗資訊
  • 免疫治療療效評估 (包含 MSI 和 TMB 狀態)

誰適用 ACTLiquid™ Pro 液癌檢™?

  • 無法取得腫瘤組織檢體的病患
  • 針對癌症追蹤與監測有需求的病患
  • 病程惡化快速需盡快得知基因變異資訊的病患


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Disclaimers / Footnotes

  1. 檢測時間自行動基因實驗室確認檢體通過品質測試後起算。

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Explore the immense possibilities and promising future of precision medicine. Together, let us unlock the power of genomic testing and personalize cancer care for the most effective treatment.

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