9種遺傳性癌症 & 11種遺重性癌症症候群

Cancer Type

4-8ml 全血

Sample Type

12 個工作天

Turnaround Time ¹

ACTRisk™ 遺癌檢™癌症基因檢測收錄67個重大遺傳性癌症相關風險基因,全面評估9種重大遺傳性癌症和11種癌症症候群。了解自身的基因特質,能讓高風險族群及早進行篩檢與預防性處置,早期發現能大幅增加治癒的成功率並提高生活品質。

Precision Medicine to Plan Better Treatment

Precision Medicine to Plan Better Treatment

Every cancer is associated with a unique combination of genomic changes. Furthermore, different cells within a tumor may harbor different genomic abnormalities. Comprehensive genomic profiling can identify such changes in cell signaling pathways by detecting prognostic and predictive biomarkers. This information can then be used to facilitate treatment decisions. This process is known as precision medicine.

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透過導入次世代科技(Next Generation Sequencing, NGS)的基因檢測,「ACTRisk™ 遺癌檢™癌症基因檢測」徹底解碼與癌症遺傳相關的67個腫瘤基因資訊 ,全面評估9種遺傳性癌症和11種癌症症候群,可探討更多健康管理策略,提升成功率。

誰適用 ACTRisk™ 遺癌檢™癌症基因檢測?

  • 家族中有人罹患早發性癌症
  • 家族中多人罹患癌症
  • 家族中有人罹患罕見癌症
  • 家族中有同一人罹患多種癌症
  • 擔憂自己帶有遺傳性癌症基因


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Disclaimers / Footnotes

  1. 檢測時間自行動基因實驗室確認檢體通過品質測試後起算。

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Explore the immense possibilities and promising future of precision medicine. Together, let us unlock the power of genomic testing and personalize cancer care for the most effective treatment.

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