Precision Medicine: A Patient’s Story of two decades coexistence with Thyroid Cancer

Patient Story

Inrecent years, when people talk about cancer treatment, most immediately thinkof “targeted therapy” or “immunotherapy.” However, in real-world practice, notevery cancer can be treated with the same regimen. The reason “precisionmedicine” has gained so much attention is that it offers patients theopportunity to find a more personalized treatment plan. This video tells thestory of Catherine, who has lived with thyroid cancer for twenty years. Herexperience reveals how precision medicine and genetic testing played pivotalroles throughout her long treatment journey.

TheFirst Diagnosis and Surgery: The Beginning of the Story

Thestory traces back to 2005, when Catherine had a full-body health check. Duringthat check, a lump was discovered in her thyroid. Further examinationsconfirmed it was malignant thyroid cancer. In 2006, she underwent a totalthyroidectomy. Early on, “maintaining stability” was the shared goal; however,the cancer did not halt its progression.

Theundergoing of Lung Metastasis

Fast-forwardto 2014. During another health check, Catherine paid out of pocket for a CTscan, only to find numerous “white spots” in both lungs. Catherine’s attendingphysician suggested treating it as “lung metastasis” for the time being withoutinvasive biopsy. As a result, around 2018, she began trying first- andsecond-line targeted therapies but gradually developed side effects.

TheIntroduction of Precision Medicine: Genetic Testing and Personalized Treatment

Becausethe white spots in her lungs kept changing and blood-based genetic testing(commonly known as liquid biopsy) failed to detect the key mutated gene,Catherine had no choice but to undergo a lung biopsy. After extracting a tumorsample, tissue-based genetic testing successfully pinpointed a “mutated gene”and matched a targeted drug that could treat this specific mutation.

Thiscrucial turning point in her therapy exemplifies the power of precisionmedicine: first, using a tumor biopsy to perform genetic sequencing, thentailoring or selecting drugs according to the genetic mutation’scharacteristics. In a short period, Catherine’s tumor was brought under controland side effects diminished. No longer was she relying on the “shotgunapproach” to treatment that risks harming healthy tissues.

“PeacefulCoexistence” with Cancer

Inthe video, cancer treatment is likened to “warfare”: doctors serve asstrategists, imaging studies act as battlefield radar, and genetic testingworks like an intelligence unit, helping patients understand the “enemy’s”movements and vulnerabilities. After multiple treatment regimens, Catherinemaintains an optimistic attitude. She hopes one day to “eliminate all tumors,”but even if total eradication is not possible, she plans to “peacefullycoexist” with the cancer and not let the illness keep her from living the lifeshe wants.

From Unknowns to Regaining Control

Lookingback at Catherine’s story, her nearly twenty-year battle with cancer perfectlyreflects the evolution of cancer treatment technologies—from traditionalsurgery to general targeted therapy, and now, precision medicine aided bygenetic testing. This trend not only changes clinical approaches but alsorepresents the next phase of comprehensive advancements in cancer care.

Forboth doctors and patients, the core of precision medicine lies in “finding theright method and placing it in the right position”: If the geneticcharacteristics of the tumor can be identified early, it’s possible to avoidineffective treatments and excessive side effects, maximizing therapeuticbenefits. Catherine’s experience illustrates this point: through genetictesting, she discovered a better-suited targeted drug. Although the cancer oncespread to her lungs, it never defeated her spirit. She can still smile before thecamera, share her experiences, and inspire countless other patients.

Whatwe witness is not just a story of battling cancer, but how medical researchredefines the possibilities of treatment. Catherine’s journey shows us that infacing cancer, “fear” and “helplessness” can be transformed into “action” and“choice.” As long as physicians and patients communicate fully, make good useof advanced diagnostic tools, and continually update accurate medicalknowledge, living for twenty years or longer in “coexistence” with the diseasecan still be a fulfilling life.

Contact Our Experts

Explore the immense possibilities and promising future of precision medicine. Together, let us unlock the power of genomic testing and personalize cancer care for the most effective treatment.
